13 Ways You Know You're A Live Music Junkie
Apr 23 / Thursday
Do you have a music problem? Well, we do too. Luckily for us, you can't overdose on music. Here are 13 ways you know you're a live music junkie.
1. Your motto is: "Music first, everything else second."

2. You have a medical disorder that can only be cured with more concerts.

3. You listen to a "morning show" instead of the morning news.

4. You refuse to take your festival wristband off....from two years ago.

5. You judge your potential mate by their music taste.

6. Sometimes a song is the only thing that can express how you really feel.

7. You will accept concert tickets as a gift for any occasion.

9. Your idea of a family reunion is a music festival.

10. When you say you need a miracle, you're not talking about an act of God.

11. You work concert tickets into your monthly budget.

12. 80% of your wardrobe is concert t-shirts (the other 20% is underwear.)

13. You ideal vacations are spent sleeping in a tent, in the sweltering heat, without a shower, surrounded by your favorite bands.