13 of the Most Eccentric Band Names You Need to Check Out
June 23 / Tuesday
13 of the Most Eccentric Band Names You Need to Check Out
Ever wonder if a band contemplated long and hard when choosing their name? Or maybe they just picked the first thing that came to mind. Sometimes a band’s name is so weird, we can’t even conceive how they came up with it in the first place. Though, there are other times, when the outrageously funny name seems to pack a heavy punch. View “13 of the Most Eccentric Band Names You Need to Check Out” and let us know your favorite.
1. Diarrhea Planet
Hailing from Nashville, Tennessee, Diarrhea Planet describes their music as “pop played through the filter of heavy metal.” The forecast on their home planet is currently 80 and cloudy with a 30% chance of (golden) showers.2. The World is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid to Die
This massive emo-revival collective from Connecticut is “constantly expanding and contracting,” prominently featuring a guy who refers to himself as “Shitty Greg.”
3. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin
When brainstorming band names, the group reportedly considered Nobody Really Likes You Vladimir Putin before scrapping it for fear of retribution.
4. The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
These guys have little to nothing in common with tap shoes, or tap dancing.
5. Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.
From Essex, England, Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. chose his stage name after reading a magazine about a Batman video game, which is ironic because Batman can’t fly.
6. The String Cheese Incident
The deliciously cheesey goodness of this band is hard to resist. Lactose intolerant fans beware, it’s hard to resist a good old fashion cheese party.
7. Their/They’re/There
This punk/indie rock supergroup is made up of members from acclaimed groups like Into It. Over It. and American Football. In their spare time, they correct people’s grammar.
8. Bowling for Soup
Bowling for Soup made waves in the early 2000s with their single “1985,” a song about a mom stuck in the 80s. If you ever bowl a perfect game, lead singer Jaret Reddick will hand deliver you Campbell’s Chicken Noodle.
9. Baboon Torture Division
Baboon Torture Division is a Canadian duo that claims to play shows with guests as varied as Ronald Reagan, Ronald McDonald, and the Monopoly guy.
10. Autopsy Report of Drowned Shrimp
Literally a bunch of dudes in Japan dressed up as shrimp, these guys bang out strange progressive rock on objects resembling musical instruments.
11. Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)
A group from Michigan, Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)’s name was designed to reflect a desire for grandiosity contrasted with feelings of insignificance. The lead singer admits he wishes he’d chosen a simpler name.
12. Army of Gay Unicorns
Army of Gay Unicorns took a handful of songs you may or may not know, made them unrecognizable, and then reposted them to the internet.
13. Ultraviolet Hippopotamus
This five piece band from Grand Rapids, Michigan is also known as UV Hippo. Although Hippos spend up to 16 hours a day swimming freely in rivers and lakes, these Ultraviolet Hippopotami spread love through shredding guitar solos and keyboard wizardry. UV Hippo is here to conquer the world, one Hippo at a time.